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Sami Sharp

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Melanoma is considered to be a fatal type of skin cancer that individuals should be aware of. It's essential to be aware of safety precautions, prevention methods, and melanoma treatments. Using sunscreen and protective clothing are effective ways of protecting skin from then sun's harmful UV rays. Depending on the stage of a melanoma tumor, the treatment methods vary. In order to protect individuals from melanoma, people must take initiative to educate themselves regarding the risks and health concerns melanoma brings to its victims. 

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I was born in Lancaster, PA into a loving and caring family. Fast forward eighteen years, I have committed to James Madison University. My hobbies include working out, shopping, and hanging out with friends. I also work at a restaurant, which has taught me about responsibility and hospitality. I chose to write my thesis on melanoma because I was a sun tanning enthusiast. Now, I am much more aware of the costs tanning brings to my health, so I think twice before laying out. Melanoma is particularly my interest because it is so dangerous and I believe many are unaware of the extreme dangers that come with this kind of skin cancer.

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